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List of products by Publisher MM PUBLICATIONS
H.Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniPortal to English 2 A1.2 WB
£14.48 -20% £11.58Portal to English is an inspiring course for teenagers, which takes learners from Beginner to Intermediate level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key... -
H.Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniThe English Hub 1 WB + kod
£15.11 -20% £12.09To idealny kurs dla młodzieży i dorosłych od poziomu Beginner do Intermediate zgodny z wymaganiami Europejskiego Systemu Kształcenia Językowego. Polecany dla szkół zawodowych oraz szkól językowych.Dostępna również wersja z podziałem na 6 części... -
H.Q. Mitchell
£6.55 -20% £5.24Piękna, ale zarazem smutna opowieść o niezywykłej przyjaźń pomnika księcia z jaskółką. Rozdarta między potrzebą cieplejszego klimatu a miłością do księcia, Jaskółka o miękkim sercu zgadza się zostać posłańcem księcia i pomaga biednym ludziom w... -
H.Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniPortal to English 3 A2 WB
£15.11 -20% £12.09Portal to English is an inspiring course for teenagers, which takes learners from Beginner to Intermediate level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key... -
praca zbiorowa
Traveller Exam pre-intermediate WB
£18.68 -20% £14.94Traveller Exam pre-intermediate WB
praca zbiorowa
Traveller Exam Intermediate B1 WB
£19.52 -20% £15.62Traveller Exam Intermediate B1 WB
praca zbiorowa
Traveller Exam pre-intermediate SB
£23.72 -20% £18.98Traveller Exam pre-intermediate SB
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniFrom the Earth to the Moon + CD
£7.81 -20% £6.25From the Earth to the Moon + CD - H. Q. Mitchell, Marileni Malkogianni
Level 6
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniPioneer B2 WB + grammar + CD
£18.05 -20% £14.44Pioneer B2 WB + grammar + CD - H. Q. Mitchell, Marileni Malkogianni
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniPioneer B1+ WB + grammar + CD
£18.05 -20% £14.44This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners fromBeginner to Advanced level. The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences. The... -
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniPioneer Pre-Intermediate WB + grammar + CD
£18.05 -20% £14.44This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners fromBeginner to Advanced level.
The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniPioneer Intermediate B1 WB + grammar + CD
£18.05 -20% £14.44This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners fromBeginner to Advanced level.
The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniTraveller 2nd ed Elementary WB
£18.05 -20% £14.44Traveller Second Edition is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners organised into eight topic-based modules. It follows the requirements of the Common European a Framework of Reference and the modular approach.
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniTraveller 2nd ed Pre-Intermediate WB
£18.05 -20% £14.44Traveller Second Edition is an exciting course for teenage and young adult learners organised into eight topic-based modules. It follows the requirements of the Common European a Framework of Reference and the modular approach.
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni MalkogianniTraveller 2nd ed B1+ WB
£18.05 -20% £14.44Traveller 2nd ed B1+ WB - H. Q. Mitchell, Marileni Malkogianni